how to train in badminton with someone less skilled

how to train in badminton with someone less skilled

  1. hal_3

    December 5, 2005
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    Graduate Educatee (Informatics)
    Culver City, CA
    I've read a lot of the posts on this lath and it seems that the common respond to "how tin can I improve" questions involve:
    • Do your footwork (kudos to Kwun for this one), even if just in a 4'x4' expanse
    • Do drills (drop-drop-clear, smash-drop-articulate, etc.)
    • Play against stronger opponents
    • Forcefulness/endurance training
    • Get a coach
    These are neat pieces of advice! I'thousand currently doing footwork and drills and it is definitely improving my game. I'd also similar to improve my practical game, though, which seems best served by "playing confronting stronger opponents." When I play against people who are a bit meliorate than me (on average would win, say, fifteen-10 or and then consistently), I feel my game become up significantly. I try harder to get shots, my shots are more consistently skilful and I have a lot more fun (even if I'm losing a lot).

    The problem is, myself included, people don't ever like to play with people with weaker games than they accept. It'southward virtually impossible in a club atmosphere to always play with people a flake amend than you. So my question is: how tin I improve my game while playing with people with a weaker game than mine?

    One option is "don't smash" (or, equivalently, "don't do X" for any X). But this doesn't really work, considering information technology means your X shot doesn't develop, it makes the game less fun, and you lot force yourself to learn strategy that is not necessarily good when you exercise take Ten at your disposal.

    I'd dearest some advice on this!

    - Hal

    p.s., I'k male, 25 years sometime, 6'ane", slender, physically strong, intermediate-level

  2. Yous tin can practise your accurary, for one. And too stroke execution. Go along in mind that yous'll be executing strokes under minimal stress, which is very different from challenging games.


  3. cappy75

    Sep 21, 2002
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    Depot Support Representative
    Burnaby, BC, Canada
    Ensure that when you lot do motility for a shot that you are far back enough behind the shuttle to contact it in front of you. This has two benefits -- you have optimal angles of return when you contact and yous can see the position(s) of the opponent(south) before you contact. Stop earlier shuttle contact, picket your opponent(s), then striking the shot. Practice this so that you don't take to concentrate too much on falling shuttle whenever you return a shot.

    The footwork drills will make you more efficient and faster to achieve the shot. Play more and then that yous'll feel the diversity of returns possible from all opponents you faced.

  4. Hmm.. just for fun.. why don't you practise running to 2 corners for each shot that you make? Should give you a tiring workout!
  5. _Abes

    May xv, 2005
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    Hi Hal

    I'one thousand just trying to go back into the game again later on a long catamenia out injured, I find myself in the same sort of position as yourself equally I'chiliad only attending "open" badminton evenings to endeavor to become back into things. The players at these sessions are competitive only the level is nowhere near I used to play at so I can find myself cruising through the games getting nothing out of them at all.

    What I endeavour to do is focus on a dissimilar aspect of my game each time I play, whilst always ensuring I keep upward my level of consistency and don't make any errors.

    For example: In one game I'll focus on my defence and retrieving, simply keeping the rally going until my opponent makes a error. Another game I may try and concentrate on driving and moving in. During a doubles game I may even just play at the internet. Occasionally I likewise allow myself the pleasance of an all-out set on focused game, although I don't end up too popular, hehe.

    Alternatively you could effort handicapping yourself and giving your opponent a 10-betoken caput start, or 2 serves etc.

    Expert luck

  6. _Abes

    May 15, 2005
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    hehe, yeah lamentable, 10-signal was a bit over the meridian. Although I don't think information technology'southward about non respecting your opponent. A weaker player would be more inclined to "give information technology a go" against a stronger opponent knowing they started with a points advantage. I know several players who will non play confronting stronger players just because they don't call up they can win.
  7. cappy75

    Sep 21, 2002
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    Depot Support Representative
    Burnaby, BC, Canada
    Heh! Well, you got yourself a good comeback if they ever brag infront of you:D.
  8. Gollum

    May 23, 2003
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    Surrey, UK
    Playing games against weaker opponents can be depressing. If you are in the wrong frame of mind (I oftentimes am), then yous get bellyaching by the low standard of your opponents.

    But instead, information technology is better to employ the situation to your benefit. Practise some hard strokes that you would non normally cartel to endeavor in a game. Information technology doesn't matter if y'all lose a few points from mistakes -- the force per unit area is off.

    (And fifty-fifty if yous DO lose to them, and then what? Who cares?)

    For case, try slicing all your drops (direct likewise as cross). Try out the more hard services, such as the backhand wide low serve (sliced when serving to your left). Try a few net tumbles, or some elaborate fakes.

  9. shell them with every different manner you can come up up with. beat out them one game with fast paced shots in shortest rallies possible. next game beat them by keeping the birdie in play for as long as it takes for them to make a mistake. then beat them with fake shots, cyberspace shots... ect.

    It is very important to keep thinking about your shots or you may take your game down to thier lower standard of play. if you think well-nigh your shots and play your shots the style you want to you shuldn't take a problem with playing thier lower level. Think about shots, it will keep you from become arrogant, bellyaching.. ect

  10. LD-DL

    Jan 14, 2006
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    true... terminal time i was confronting a good friend of mine... he was non that nifty... so i tought id train my left hand...(im correct handed btw) n the second day the guy was pissed at me...

    n e way, for me when playing against a weaker actor id practice on wtv i was messing up on the concluding game confronting a better player... for ex: i train my smashes cuz i messed up alot of my smashes... and i could train to get a better footwork.. and also to work on receiving a smash... (if ur opponent knows how to smash):p

    n eastward means merely think of the games as practise and workout...;)

  11. Let'southward reverse that thought momentarily... what kind of shots were made against you when you were on the weaker side of the net?

    At present, when you are playing confronting a much weaker opponent, you can limit yourself to defensive shots and focus on placement (accuracy) as suggested past W22C.

    If you want to challenge yourself a petty more, try reading your opponent'southward shots past his body position, racquet swing, and frequency of placements.


  12. Unremarkably, what i do is practice shots that I am bad at and try to improve past hitting it as often equally possible during the game. Even if I do lose the rally, at that place'southward no worries... Where as if I was playing confronting someone that is much better than me, I'd be afraid to hit the shot in fear of mishitting information technology.
  13. How about trying to acquire to read your opponents better? If you play with many different weaker opponents, this would allow you to do on unlike people. I call up being able to know how to read your opponent volition do good y'all when yous play against stronger people. Anticipation it by no ways a substitute for good footwork, but it does help.
  14. Also, I think consistency is a huge cistron. especially if you are playing in a beginner-intermediate field. I constantly see players who are less skilled merely more consistent beat players who are more skilled with a variety of shots and tactics but can't proceed the shuttle in the court.

    In line with the handicap idea, peradventure you tin can requite your opponent 1 indicate for everytime you hit the shuttle out of the court?

  15. Iwan

    Jun sixteen, 2002
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    There is benefit to playing players better than you and playing against players of lower skill levels than y'all. Against players stronger than yous, you lot can do your counter-attacks and you have to react faster.

    Against people of lower skill levels than you, you lot go to practice mind games. Thinking of how to move your opponent about in the heart of a rally and trying out deceptions and being consistent with information technology. All this tin can boost upwardly your confidence in performing the shots that you won't normally play. What this ways, is that the side by side fourth dimension yous play that amend opponent, yous take new variations of shots you are confident in trying out and your opponent will find your game play to be different from before. Which could lead to an comeback :)

  16. Hello Hal,

    There will always be means to make things more than challenging. If y'all are training for singles, why not play against 2 players at once? If you are playing doubles, why non play against three players or even iv? Plainly it is not uncommon for professional players to do that. One time in a while when I turn upwards for my sessions we don't take the right number of people to fill upwards all the courts and one time I played 2 weaker players at in one case. While they are individually weaker than I am, but when they play you lot together, information technology becomes a lot more than difficult. What do you remember?

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how to train in badminton with someone less skilled

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